Yeah Yeah , I'm so long din't bloggie ! ...
Now let the time turn back ... and i feel that it is a memorable day
Firstly . . . SPM is over !!!
I got the unlucky happen in the same time .
Phone lost .. haiz . WTF!
I totally lost the freedom feeling
I just have the shit feeling all the time in tat day !
Secondly . . . Argue with SoUlOu
I noe that he is tired .. but
I just cant be strong when i'm in trouble
beside that he is the only one i can say through
and is the only one i trust always
when he ignore me , my heart is broken
and I do cry =(
Thirdly . . . The first day learning car [ 21/12]
I'm nervous and rush ! My hand is sweat enough when holding the stealing
20 km is fast to me >< But then not bad also
I just get learn how to U turn and turn right/left
and and the Ger 1,2,3,4 ...
hope I can keep the speed forward .. i dun wan 80%
I wan to be 100% pro ! =p
Lastly . . . The end to my secondary school life
Well , the day return book i din't saw most of the classmate then back ad
The only thing that i regret is , I miss the chance to enjoy with my friend =(
Think back , Form 1 is like sohsoh gangan there , is the most hardworking time in this 5 year
Form 2 - Joking , playing , and also starting to knew friendsss
Form 3 - Lala world to me , joining different gang , and the friendship begining between me
kahmun&jia qian . The most naught time ! but it bring me many sweet memory ^^
Form 4 - In the begining , I feel sad because closer friend all different class w me =(
But it make me to meet w Viicky , Fone ,San & Yuvvien .....
The crazy moment to me ... Aft skul go walk around Ts/Sw ... went my house cooking
maggi , went to cc ... late to skul .... ponteng skul ... what also got ....
Form 5- Still the same class w them ... but ... this year because of SPM . We become mature and our topic start change , we talk about aft SPM , we worry about results , talk about our life aft working , which college we wanna go for . But the only we din't change is , haha , talking bad behind xp In the same time , I knew wahzhai , our skul cheer coach .
In the end ,
Really say goodbye to school , everything happen in school no matter fun or sad will turn into full-stop. Thank to my friend giving me a lot of happiness , our friendship will never end right? Miss ya~♥